Profile PictureJohn Haskins JR

The Daily Freedom Routine: How to Break Your Porn Addiction and Live Free For Good

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The Daily Freedom Routine: How to Break Your Porn Addiction and Live Free For Good

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The Daily Freedom Routine is the premier approach for breaking your porn addiction with proven, daily exercises that got my 132+ clients free from porn in 31 days.

You want to quit porn. But you don't know how. What you've tried hasn't worked for as long or as well as you'd like. You've spent years relying on willpower and might've even tried site-blockers, too.

You're left thinking, "There has to be a better way." Brother, I've got good news. There is, and it's right here. It's the Daily Freedom Routine.

Stop fighting relapse in your weakest moments with willpower. The Daily Freedom Routine will prepare you for success by taking proactive action to prevent relapses.

My clients know this. It's the reason they get free so quickly; because they are ready for anything that gets thrown at them.

No more getting caught off guard. No more "It just happened" happening again.

This time, you quit. For good. This routine is how.

This daily routine will reprogram your subconscious mind for success, and gives you a framework to take advantage of its transformative power.

Consider your past attempts at using willpower. You rely heavily on it when you experience urges, cravings, and temptations. It is in those precise moments you need it to work.

Yet... it doesn't. And you know it doesn't. You wouldn't be reading this if willpower was enough to quit because you'd already be free. But you're not.

Before you get urges, you are stressed, anxious, or lonely. And if those emotional tensions are left unchecked, they quickly become urges to watch porn.

What if there were a way to catch urges before they became an issue?

There is.

And that's why I created the Daily Freedom Routine, a way for you to combat urges, cravings, and relapse before they happen.

Instead of relying on the will of your conscious mind, recruit the power of your subconscious mind to make quitting porn so easy, you almost won't believe it. You will.

There are two ways to rewire your subconscious mind:

  1. With direct communication and interaction with your subconscious mind, that bypasses your conscious mind to bring about lasting, sustainable change in your conscious, waking moments; when you're at your weakest, and when you're at your strongest.

The Daily Freedom Routine specializes in the second most powerful way to rewire your subconscious mind.

  1. Repetition.

All habits and beliefs are built by repetition. Think about it. If you do something or say something enough times, it becomes a habit. Eventually, it becomes second nature to you. It's automatic. And the reason it becomes automatic is because the exact and precise wiring of that habit is planted into your subconscious mind. If you do something enough times, you "forget" how to do it and just do it. You had to learn how to ride a bike. It took a bit before you learned how to balance. Now, you can get on any bike and ride it without any conscious thought about what you're doing. You just ride.

In this nature, watching porn became a habit. It's something that just happens now. You do not think about it. Especially if you see porn on social media. That triggers an unconscious program to run, and next thing you know, you relapsed. Such is the duality of habits.

By implementing the Daily Freedom Routine, you leverage your innate ability to create habits at a subconscious level through repetition which guide you to lasting freedom from porn.

If you continue to hope to stop relapse while it happens, not before, you'll experience many more relapses in the future. That's the cold, hard facts. I experienced it happen and I've witnessed it happen far too many times. It was because of emotional negligence.

But if you incorporate a systematic approach, such as a daily routine, to address urges at its root, every single day, (eventually) without thinking about it, you do not have to exercise conscious will to prevent relapse. They stop happening. Because you're preventing them.

Once the Daily Freedom Routine becomes subconscious programming through repetition, you wake up, do your morning exercise (it takes 20 minutes), release stress and tension right then and there, and end your day with subconscious reinforcement to keep you going into the next day without issues.

Understand this: the subconscious mind keeps a habit it deems useful. Porn does something for you. It release stress and tension that builds up throughout your day. To quit, you need better habits to release stress in tension in healthier ways. The Daily Freedom Routine is more useful than porn because it takes care of you without shame, guilt, and remorse lowering your energy, confidence, and mental-fortitude to perform and be a man.

This new repertoire of habits will replace porn in 31 days.

Over the next 31 days, you will transform your life by transforming your habits. This is how the Daily Freedom Routine works.

The routine is simple, easy to follow, and takes 45-60 minutes throughout your entire day to be effective (and maintained).

If I told you to expect 2-3 hours of work per day, as many people's self-proposed new routines take (run the numbers), you'd lose all interest in this system. "That's too much."

You do not have to make time or find time for this new routine of yours.

You likely already have ~20 minutes in the morning that are open for something new to try.

You certainly have 5-15 minutes to spare throughout your day.

And you've got another ~20 minutes in the evening, too.

You have time. It's a question of whether or not you truly want to get free.

What you get:

  1. Rapid-fire, micro-hypnosis techniques to rewire your subconscious mind
  2. Tension release methods to overcome stress, anxiety, and loneliness
  3. Simple techniques for eradicating unwanted images and cravings in seconds (without using site-blockers)
  4. How-to video lessons for each exercise so you can implement them as soon as you purchase
  5. Freedom Scoring: an approach to tracking progress and success that works better than streak tracking
  6. The exact Daily Freedom Routine you'll use for the next 31 days to build porn-free habits and a porn-free life
  7. And more

At $48 (better thought of as $1.54 over the next 31 days), this can't be beat (heh).

Get the Daily Freedom Routine today.

Click "I Want This!" and get started.

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